If you want to write well, read!

Read the work over which an author, publisher, editor and copyeditor have laboured. Find every trick, tip and technique that an author has mastered to better her art. Refine the art of storytelling by joining the most accessible writing course available: an author’s work – the writer’s lesson book.




Though, at times, I drift into its waters, unable to resist sticking in my oar,  I do not write typical book reviews on this site.  Rather, I review novels and other works of non-fiction to highlight an author’s virtuosity, to ferret out writing tips, if you like.

If you’re looking for comprehensive book reviews or scholarly eloquence, you’ve linked to the wrong page.  



The visitor to this site will notice I write my observations in a casual manner. I read, observe, take a few notes and share. I am not a professor, a grammarian, nor a linguist. I write. I read. I gush! Think pub-night for writers.



I should mention that the books I review are primarily adult literary or middle grade fiction.  They are, with few exceptions, first-rate pieces of work and traditionally published. 



If something about the same book has impressed the writer in you, you are welcome to leave your comments, that is, when the comment field is open. Just don’t be nasty. Remember, this pub has a bouncer.

In case it’s not obvious, the book covers are the property of their publishers and authors. The synopses are the authors’ own as published on the web.  For the Writer is my two-cents worth.

Cheers to great books! Enjoy!


John Paul Tucker dot com



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